St. Paul’s Ocean Grove Church is committed to helping individuals and families connect and have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. For many, Baptism is one of the first steps.
Request a Baptism
Baptism Preparation and Process
As you prepare for the baptism, please download and read "By Water and the Spirit" (what baptism is in the United Methodist Church) and "Your Baptismal Liturgy" (what we do in worship during the time of baptism and why).
The process is straightforward and simple. Once we receive your request, we will contact you within the week to set up the Pre-Baptism Meeting. These meetings are held after the worship celebration on Sunday mornings. After reading through the booklets, write down any questions and bring them to the Pre-Baptism Meeting. This meeting is usually a short introduction but can take as long as needed. We will go over any questions you might have.
On the day of the Baptism, you should arrive 15 minutes before the service starts. Baptisms occur on the 2nd Sunday of every month. There is no charge for Baptisms. If you would like, you may give a special offering with your regular offering during worship.
Commitment and Support in Baptism
Baptism is recognition and commitment. Through Baptism, we are initiated into the church by acknowledging that God has started a relationship with us, and in response, we commit to developing that relationship through our devotion and lifestyle.
Our commitment to you is to help you set up and develop your relationship with God. We encourage you to participate in weekly worship. We have an annual Baptism Reunion Luncheon and other events for you to attend. We have classes to help you read through and understand the Bible and Christianity. We offer resources to you so that you can establish healthy and practical spiritual practices into your daily routines.
Godparents or sponsors are optional. The idea behind the Godparents/sponsors idea is that they should be people who encourage and challenge you to continue developing your faith. If you wish to have sponsors, they need to be a baptized Christian and should be active members of a church.