The mission at St. Paul's Ocean Grove Church is loving God & all people, while empowering Christian leaders.
We are unified in our striving live out our faith as followers of Jesus Christ and to be an Acts 2 church.
So, why small groups? It's simple. We know that LIFE WITH JESUS IS BETTER and we all want that. One powerful way that can happen is in small groups that take place in regular, fruitful, Christian community.
Small groups make disciples through the utilization of and processing of God's story as it intersects with our stories. Do you want to experience the fullness of life with God here on Earth? Join in.
Current Small Groups are offered on different days around our area.
New Small Groups forming in the Fall!
Doing the Christian life together can be seen in the practices of some of the first believers, following Pentecost, as outlined in Acts 2:42-47. Included in this list are: devotion to living out what they learned from studying God's Word together (the Apostles' teaching); devotion to doing life together (fellowship); eating together and/or partaking of the Lord's Supper together (the breaking of bread); wholehearted, faith-centered prayer that brought about the miracles seen throughout the book of Acts; and; meeting one another's needs even when it meant giving up something substantial of their own: "Now all the believers were together and held all things in common.