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Anchored Students

  • St. Paul's Ocean Grove Church 80 Embury Avenue Ocean Grove, NJ 07756 USA (map)

Anchored Students Small Groups

Jesus changes lives and the world. What’s more, we believe the next generation is changing the world with in a relationship with Jesus Christ. They have an entrepreneurial spirit with a global vision. This generation may be anti-institutional, they want to be a part of a movement. Good news for us: that’s precisely what the Church is—God’s Kingdom movement. We have a big vision for our students and that starts in Anchored Small Groups where students encounter Jesus; get empowered by the power of the Holy Spirit and fellow followers of Jesus Christ; and help others navigate their world and become part of the Kingdom movement.

  • Middle School Girls - meeting in the Parlor

  • Middle School Boys - Fellowship Hall

  • High School Girls - Anchored Room (Downstairs next to the Anchored Office)

  • High School Boys - Junior Room (Fellowship Hall)

April 6

Traditional Worship

April 7

Women’s Bible Study