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Connect Over Coffee

  • St. Paul's - Chapel 80 Embury Avenue Ocean Grove, NJ 07756 USA (map)

Connect Over Coffee Women’s Group

Let’s be there for each other while seeking His Word for answers. - Mathew 11:28

Mondays from 7pm-8pm in the Parlor

Ladies, with all the challenges we take on in life, do you ever take time to ‘decompress so you can address’? Or do you just tell your already-overwhelmed self just put your head down and keep going?

If this sounds familiar, this one’s for you:

Monday nights starting October 16th, you’re invited to a relaxed, casual hour with other women to enjoy a warm cup of coffee (decaf or tea), from 7-8pm in the Chapel. It’s like meeting up at our own coffee house; only there’s no cost, excess noise, or waiting for a booth. Bring anything that’s on your mind because, chances are, you’re not alone. Even if you’re simply looking for a social opportunity, don't be surprised if you end up blessing others by sharing your experiences when God granted you peace and the success to overcome! Through the good, tough, crazy, hilarious times, and everything in between:

April 14

Men's Bible Study

April 14

Anchored Small Groups